Friday, November 1, 2013

At WB Travis Library we go beyond the common reward style to create an "Event" that celebrates reading and the accomplishments of our young readers. Combine a social event similar to the birthday party, add a few elements for one of the core subjects, citizenship, leadership, imagination and let the kids have fun!

The latest adventure was our 
Fall Apple Festival
Over one hundred WB Travis students grades 1st - 4th were invited to the Fall Apple Festival: An A.R. Reading Reward Event on October 17th in recognition for reading growth for the first six weeks. Students were treated to apple smells, tastes and sight graphing; caramel apple dipping; blindfolded for the mystery vegetable bowl and bobbed for apples. There were several wet faces as they discovered that apple bobbing was a challenge. Many students left full of sweet apples and caramel. Travis Librarian, Marsha Edney looks forward to future events recognizing readers challenging themselves to grow in skills that will serve them well in their future. 
Bobbing for apples they discovered is not as easy as it looks...