Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Holiday Countdown - 15 Days

Spreading Holiday gifts with my staff and faculty at Marshall HS cost me a couple of hours and so many challenges as "What will they find most helpful?" ; "What will they have time to try?" or "What will they feel is worthy of their time in Benchmark and EOC land?"  So, I submit that I just put out there what I think is useful and hope some of it is filtered and used by our great and time-challenged teachers, staff and administrators.  

As a Google Edu school district we are barely scratching the surface of all the features that Google hosts and the web is streaming 500x more than can be digested in our lifetime, much less than a day. There are amazing tools, apps, blogs, tweets, features, et al that could stimulate our student learners to find their switch for self learning. It is just finding the key!

The format is a daily email with the following structure. 

Starting a Holiday Countdown - 15 Days of Apps, Websites & Tech Tools to share with MHS teachers & staff

Google Tool : Personalizing your email account - signature with pic, quote or links - link 
Wedsite : Edutopia  subscribe to or friend on Facebook a collection of blogs, essays, etc on education in our digital age. 

Evaluate these tips form

The form is Google that lists the daily primary sources mentioned and asks them to comment. I modify the form each day to include the newest suggested information. I also included a blank to submit something they might recommend. Very little feedback has come through, one comment from a teacher was

"My students and I at Willoughby Juvenile Detention Center are truly enjoying recitethis.com. We have just started to work on it today and intend to use free time next week to compile a large collage to place in the classroom. I am enjoying all the tips you are giving us all. Thanks."   Shirley Royal, Teacher

While another said: "You inspired me to put my Google Mail in folders." 

Small steps, baby steps but always on the move.
I share with you my journey because I have learned so much from journeys you have shared. 

Website or App
GMail signature & picture, quote
GMail : View & Print & Save
Webinars Web Conferencing
Print to the Cloud
Google URL
Graphic Organizers - Educanvas, Symbaloo
GCalendars event in email
Google Folders - Mail & Drive
Fonts: Flickr
Google+ share, podcast, record
Recite It
GSearch - 50 tips
Word Clouds
Google Books
Holiday Cool : too good to miss
Google Sheets new features
Google Scholar
Search Engines  & Creative Commons
Google Maps
Google Lesson PlansEdublogs Awards 10th Year -  2013
Google AppsTime Best of Web 2013

Michelle Cooper gifted her Henderson HS with Twelve Techie Gifts...via SMore format so attactive and simple: https://www.smore.com/kzp6 @_MichelleCooper. Another take on the same idea was shared by Whitney Jones, Van ISD Tech - iTeach U Techmas Challenge Day. As technology coordinator she created must do list for her teachers requiring them to respond with an example. If you missed the countdown then create a "Best of 2013" for a few days in January or "Sweethearts of the Stream" in February. Just don't miss an opportunity to explore some awesome online content to promote life learning experiences for our students.

Really, who learned the most? The links and ideas keep flowing, not exhausting them yet.

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"Jazz 4 Lunch" an experiment in Lunch & Learn

A series of unexpected occurrance united in the most amazing day we have ever had at Marshall HS Library. A discussion about speaker quality with Kasey Brown, Assistant Band Director developed into an invitation for the Jazz Band to use the libray for our first Lunch and Learn. Thus "Jazz 4 Lunch" was born. Student Council join in to help with seating and  clean up.

We smiled all day - for 5 hours they played jazz music from band hall, through the large main staircase, streamed out of our library, through the halls and into the heart of MHS.  It was a  positive energy among our students and adults as they enjoyed the sounds of music filling our space.

Asethical experience blending the acoustical quality of the library and massive windows overlooking the trees with Jazz Band’s “Autumn Leaves” playing while watching the falling leaves.  A moment of respite in the hectic pre-holiday of high school.

MHS Student comments:
"I really enjoyed the performance that the Jazz Band put on for lunch! The music was great and it was obvious that the members of the Jazz Band are talented and that they knew what they were doing!"

"The Jazz Band's performance was phenomenal, and such an unexpected surprise. My friends would pass by the library dropping comments occasionally such as "Groovy" and "far-out" then smiling and heading to class. "                                           

"The jazz was a very nice and unexpected experience, and they played so beautifully that I couldn't help but dance as I digested."

I enjoyed it very much, could have sat and listened to it for hours, It was so refreshing to witness such talent in a group this young. Would love to see them in a setting other than the school. Like the MLK banquet which has a more diverse audience. I would love to have a copy of the CD."                                                                     Thanks C.Bell -school nurse

"The Jazz Band did an outstanding job!  I was very impressed with the performance and I cannot wait to see them again!" Academic Dean, Melissa McIntosh

By the 3rd lunch there was a real buzz in the cafeteria about the event in the library. AP
Tiffany Best

Amazing! Why didn't I host this before! This is the beginning of something really big for our MHS Library!
Always evaluating the events - next time I'll have Post-Its & pencils for comments immediately after the event.

Friday, November 1, 2013

At WB Travis Library we go beyond the common reward style to create an "Event" that celebrates reading and the accomplishments of our young readers. Combine a social event similar to the birthday party, add a few elements for one of the core subjects, citizenship, leadership, imagination and let the kids have fun!

The latest adventure was our 
Fall Apple Festival
Over one hundred WB Travis students grades 1st - 4th were invited to the Fall Apple Festival: An A.R. Reading Reward Event on October 17th in recognition for reading growth for the first six weeks. Students were treated to apple smells, tastes and sight graphing; caramel apple dipping; blindfolded for the mystery vegetable bowl and bobbed for apples. There were several wet faces as they discovered that apple bobbing was a challenge. Many students left full of sweet apples and caramel. Travis Librarian, Marsha Edney looks forward to future events recognizing readers challenging themselves to grow in skills that will serve them well in their future. 
Bobbing for apples they discovered is not as easy as it looks...


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Busy Week-
Marshall HS
Teens + Books + Cupcakes = A Delicious Combination

MHS Read Week was celebrated in sweet fashion as all students with books checked out were treated to a sweet surprise in honor of Chocolate Cupcake Day on October 18th.

“In the busy life of high school teens, reading is usually at the bottom of a list of things to do yet learning to comprehend information takes skills that only reading practice provides. Comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency are skills teens need to hone as they approach the college/career world. Reading as a pastime is enjoyed by many teens, but those without a book in hand find it difficult to find time to read. Therefore, the emphasis this week is to celebrate those students who have books and are ready to read,” explained Marsha Edney, librarian.

Teachers were also treated to “Sweet Search” Cupcakes  in promotion of the MHS subscription to two comprehensive electronic full-text databases. The Library subscribes to Encyclopedia Britannica online and EBSCO, a comprehensive index to electronic magazine and reference resources. These digital resources provide students, faculty, and parents with credible, factual information that is not available elsewhere on the open Web. To obtain access to these databases, contact the staff at the MHS Library.

The MHS Culinary Classes, under the guidance of  Mrs. Rank and Mrs. Wood, baked all the chocolate cupcakes for the event. “Without their help, our Cupcake Celebration would not have been possible,” said Mrs. Edney.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Books and Chocolate

     International Chocolate Day presented the perfect topic for my first venture into the MHS cafeteria. Armed with 17 bags of chocolate kisses, a laptop & scanner; cart loaded with best new reads, the library assistant - a must to help with chocolate grabbers, and I headed to the 3 lunches at our school. And one ugly attempt at a Kiss headdress!
      Inspired by Michelle Cooper @_MichelleCooper 's adventures as "Library Lady" and Carolyn Foote's themed celebrations discussed in #TxLChat, I thought this would be an event that would create a few circulations and wait and see reactions from our skeptic high school crowd. As with so many evolving programs or events, I was so much more impacted by the turn of events than were our students. Of course, the chocolate went over so well, but instead of waiting for students to come to me I made the rounds to all the tables - I got to say "Celebrating International Chocolate Day and remember we have treats for your brain in the MHS Library" and sharing also that some of our newest purchases were graphic novels that I invited the guys to come for a look. We gave extras to our MHS SLA's which made points with our library aides.
       We will see the final results, but on first impression I was amazed that they listened, acted like they cared and were usually smiling as I shared my quick advertisement for the library. I have opened doors of conversations that were not there as students greet me in the halls, drop by to "look at" the displays or come through the doors to say 'hi'.  Opening Doors was my original intent!
 And the principals were complimentary of our activity as they held out hands for a few kisses.  That 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I Love being part of the #TxLChat- pictures, laughs and so many great ideas. It makes a long day end so well. Looking forward to the next night together....
Librarians make so much impact when
 they attend the Welcome Back & Meet the Teacher nights at the campus. My elementary campus theme for 2nd grade is 2nd grade is groovy! So we borrowed the colors at the end of their hall... be one of the campus people!

Make an impact by preparing the library to start with reading the first day. Checking out books for eager young readers promotes reading and the importance you place on their reading.

Friday, August 23, 2013

It is hard to explain to a non-educator the excitement that builds as a new school year approaches. As the pencils, crayons, binders, notebook paper, and all the trimmings begin to show in the stores in July, the ideas for the new year begin to flow. A new theme for the year, a project to accomplish, a challenge to be better and create more engaging lessons for our students, the goal to continue to find ways for the library to be the catalysis for learning and sharing. As the new year approaches in the elementary campus I will strive to find ways to put books in the hands of students, to find the one book that stimulates an individual to become a self motivated, life reader. I will reach out to our parents in the elementary school to encourage them to use the library to read aloud to the students and their younger siblings. As I attended Meet the Teacher Night, I was reminded that those of us that are educators forget that we set a pace of learning for our own children that many of our parents don't provide in the home of our students. I will extend invitations to parents to borrow books for their younger children at home. What a way for a new language learning family to practice their English in sharing a read aloud book. I will invite community readers to share books and their love of reading with our students. A new year to make connections with our students. This year will be "Hands up for Reading".

Monday, August 19, 2013

Amazing connection with Sci-fiction and science once again. Curiosity, Mars rover bring us the photos of the moon's eclipse http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2013/08/17/curiosity-catches-martian-moons-in-eclipse/?utm_campaign=techtwittersf&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social  Fiction believed, predicted, guessed the moons were orbiting Mars before they were discovered. There is no "chicken before the egg" guess with fiction and science. Wonder how many scientists discovered something triggered by reading about a supposed thing from science fiction. Way to go Jules Vernes and so many others! Challenge our students to read!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

TASLA learning so much about Learning by Design Library style and so excited to be @ Mackin night at the Iron Cactus as they announced their eBook fiction for librarians to review all summer @HereBeFiction. Can you say FREE! adding reviews. Thanks so much.. with Chris Harris @informancy and PLN friends.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Forward on

In my array of skills, I am still intimidated by self video. If I want to challenge students and faculty to stretch their "chops" then I must overcome my own challenges and face Self Video!  Therefore, I invited my super grandson to work with me. Through the eyes of a 13 year old I hope to see my professional side as seen through the eyes of my students to create a much more effective product in self video. So here we go!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The environment of EOC testing on our campus exemplifies the true image of me in the tech world I live in. I can even work in the halls!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

So excited about  #TxLChat and the impact I see in my own professional growth.

Early in the mornings I sometimes have an  epiphany! It's really like a surge of thought for this Beaconess.
Today's was about my approach to thanking my admin for supporting me in attending TxLA2013.
Thank them with PPT of "Top 10 Reasons Students will benefit from M Edney Attending TxLA2013"
Just a beginning list:
10  Students create digital curation of their own for projects and lesson content -
                        work with techs in our district to locate format, storage
9   Formal Plan of Action for students to work with Digital Literacy skills -track students
8   Challenge students to critical thinking with building upon the websites previously used for a lesson
7   Students Library Aides will create podcasts of skills to train next year's SLAs
6   Students will be able to view authors at MHS Destiny site-Add images of authors' pictures to our website
5  * short on time now, but will complete this list tonight

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


"Beacons help guide navigators to their destinations." 
In the digital world beacons are the signal receivers and senders for data or information.

Describes the life I lead. I discover then can't wait to share or use the idea, fact, technique... apply it to everyday life situations.

Lifelong librarian learner..teacher...

The "ME" my initials.